без щековины (Pork side, without jowl)
без щековины (Pork side, without jowl)
Свиной окорок с ножкой
Испанская разделка (Leg, without foot, Spanish cut)
(сухосоленый) (Leg, sel-sec)
(Leg, without foot, flank and tail)
Свиной окорок, гамбургская разделка
(Leg, Italian cut)
(Leg, Lyonnaise cut)
(Leg, Parma-cut)
кат.1d (Leg 1d, deboned)
кат.2d (Leg 2d, deboned, rindless)
кат.3d (Leg 3d, deboned, rindless, without fat)
кат.4d (Leg 4d, deboned, rindless, without fat and shank)
(Leg, divided)
(Topside muscle)
(Silverside muscle)
(Thick flank)
(Chump, deboned, ridless, without fat)
с шейно-плечевой мякотью (Loin, with neck)
без шейно-плечевой мякоти (Loin, short, without neck)
(Loin, deboned)
(Loin, deboned, without chain)
(Neck, bone-in)
(Neck, deboned)
(Belly 'deli', bone-in)
(Belly 'deli', deboned, square cut)
(Belly a, bone-in)
(Belly a, deboned, square cut)
(Belly b, bone-in)
(Belly b, deboned, square cut)
(Belly c, bone-in)
(Belly c, deboned, square cut)
(Belly, deboned, rindless, without softbone, square cut)
(Fore-end, with jowl)
(Fore-end, without jowl)
(Shoulder, German cut, with riblet)
(Shoulder, German cut, without riblet)
(Shoulder, Spanish cut)
(Shoulder, bone-in, Dutch cut)
(Shoulder 1d, deboned)
(Shoulder 2d, deboned, rindless)
(Shoulder 3d, deboned, rindless, without fat)
(Shoulder 4d, deboned, rindless, without fat and shankmeat)
(Shoulder 5d, deboned, rindless, without fat and shankmeat, desinewed)
(Middle, bone-in, with tenderloin)
(Middle, deboned, without tenderloin)
(ширина 20 см., слой жира 12 мм) (Back bsd)
(Tenderloin, with chain)
(Tenderloin, without chain)
(Tip of tenderloin)
(Pork trimmings 90/10)
(Pork trimmings 80/20)
(Pork trimmings 70/30)
(Pork trimmings 60/40)
(Fat trimmings, rindless (fatmix, rindless)
(Flank, with rind and red and white meat)
(Flank, with rindless, without red and white meat)
(Riblet, with breast-bone)
(Riblet, without breast-bone)
(Belly trimmings, rindless)
(Belly trimmings, with rind)
(Sparerib (belly), without breast-bone)
(Back fat, thick, with rind and meat)
(Neck fat, with rind)
(Neck fat, rindless)
(Back fat rind)
(Back fat, with rind)
(Back fat, rindless)
(Jowl, rindless, without neck fat)
(Jowl, rindless, with neck fat)
(Head, half)
(Fore foot)
(Hind foot)
(Tongue, Swiss cut)
(Leaf fat)